About Me

Kia ora! Here is Aaron WANG Songyue (王嵩越). I am a senior student at The University of Hong Kong, majoring in Financial Technology. I am interested in the field of Information Security, especially Security Governance and Detection & Response. I have the qualifications of Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), as an associate member.

My final year project for the degree of BASc(Fintech) is Verifin – Secure wallet ownership attestation and recipient auto-validation with Public Key Infrastructure, advised by Dr. Kam Pui Chow. During my junior years, I have worked with Dr. Qian Chen at The University of British Columbia on Construction Digitalization & Automation. I also worked for Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited (HKEX) as a technology intern, responsible for cataloging security controls and re-enforcing Privileged Identity Management (PIM). You may find my full CV here.

As you may have observed in my Gallery, I am insane about traveling and skiing during my free time. I am a Level 1 Instructor of Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance. So far, I have roamed the mountains in France, Japan, South Korea, China, New Zealand, and Canada on my skis. Now I am working on my first freestyle grabs. One of my life goals is to master 540’s on the jumps, although it takes many crashes to reach there 🙂

您好!我是王嵩越(Aaron WANG)。目前在香港大学就读大四,主修金融科技。我对信息安全领域十分感兴趣,尤其是安全治理以及威胁感知与响应。我以准会员的身份,取得了认证信息系统安全专业人员(CISSP)和认证云安全专业人员(CCSP)的证书。


如您在我的相片集中所见,我在空闲时间热衷于旅行和滑雪。我拥有加拿大滑雪教练协会的一级教练证。到目前为止,我去过法国,日本、韩国、中国、新西兰和加拿大的雪场。我正在练习一些入门自由式抓板动作。我的人生目标之一是能在真雪跳台上做出540转体,尽管这需要经过无数次摔跤 🙂